Thinking Aloud: Constitution Day

Author: Vicki Hinze

USA Today Bestselling and Award-Winning Author of 50+ books, short stories/novellas and hundreds of articles. Published in as many as 63 countries and recognized by Who's Who in the World as an author and an educator. Former featured Columnist for Social-IN Worldwide Network and Book Fun Magazine. Sponsor/Founder of Vicki's latest novels are: in the Philanthropists series: The Guardian. In the StormWatch series, Deep Freeze. FMI visit

2 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud: Constitution Day”

  1. Grade school was *cough* too long ago, I can’t remember that far. I did help my daughter to memorize The Preamble though, when she was in grade school a few years ago and in so doing gained a new appreciation for it myself. So I know what you mean, and I hope my daughter gets a teacher like your Mr. Ray who will challenge her mind as yours was!

    1. I hope she does, too. 🙂 Good for you for helping her with the Preamble. I love reading the Constitution. They framed an entire nation is few words. The elegance in that just awes me. 🙂

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